First Aid Class

Event date: 
Sat, 12/09/2023 - 10:30am

First Aid Class

Assessing an injury, and providing appropriate care is an important skill for any siutation in life. Situational awareness and treating specific injuries are just one portion of a class, and gaining confidence in decision making and applying appropriate steps will allow to handle emergencies swiftly, should those occur. Skills are best refreshed in classes on regular intervals, and a First Aid Kit should be part of your "toolkit".

Having said this:

We are delighted to offer a First Aid Class, hosted by Bellevue Fire, which will focus on motorcycle specific topics.
This is a hands-on class, led by Cpt. Lapsansky and his instructor(s).

Location of event: Eastside HOG Chapter Lounge
Start time: 10am (social); Class will start 10:30am, and last about 2 hrs.

The class consists of presentations, but mainly hands-on practice. Because of the practical portion of the class,
the maximum number of attendees is limited to 10.
The cost for this class is usually $20 per person, but because we as a chapter have a strong focus on skills development and safe riding practices, we are offering this class for free! Thank you Eastside HOG!

Because of limited space, if you are interested, you need to RSVP to this event, either here or email [email protected].
I will fill the roster on a first-come, first-serve basis.
(If you were planning to attend, but can't make it, please take your name off the list, so others can join, respectively.)

This is a chapter members exclusive event.

Reach out to [email protected] if you have questions (or see me at the coming events).

Ride safe & have fun!
Arndt ("Tank")


Event location:
2350 136th Pl NE
Eastside Harley Davidson
Bellevue WA 98005

Closed Event: Chapter activities are conducted primarily for the benefit of H.O.G. Chapter members. Closed Events are those events open to Chapter members and one guest per member.

Event Coordinator: 
Dave H.
Safety Officer