Road Captains

Hi, Eastside HOG Family.

I’m honored and proud to have been nominated as your Head Road Captain for 2024. I’ve said it so many times, but it’s worth repeating: I have huge boots to fill in my efforts to serve the family as well as Ken Anderson has done over the last couple of years. 

We have some great rides ahead of us in 2024 with the Passes and Loops Destinations. I look forward to you getting the pictures out there to inspire your brothers and sisters to capture the D’s, as well. On that note, invite your Eastside brothers and sisters along with you.  Travel to the D’s however you see fit and take a photo of you, your bike, and the D in the same shot. Just have fun getting there and back home safely.  

We continue this year with some great leadership – including 15 very (and some to a slightly lesser degree) seasoned Road Captains.  You may count on us for guidance, leadership, and advice. Let me know if you're interested in earning this coveted tab and position.  

The more we participate, the stronger we’ll be as a family and a community. Let’s get out there and ride.

Ride Easy, Safe & Often!

Jason “Griff” Griffin
Head Road Captain
Eastside HOG Chapter #5389      


Reference documents for Road Captains and Sweeps

Road Captains should have a copy of each of these documents on hand before a ride.

Road Captain Pre-Ride Worksheet  (PDF file) 

Road Captain Guide  (PDF file)

Adult Release

Minor Release

Injury Report

Minor Risk Acknowledgement

Leading rides and Ride planning slide decks and forms

Leading rides (PDF)  

Planning a ride deck (PDF)

Ride Planning Form 2021 (PDF)

Eastside Chapter #5389 of H.O.G. was formed to bring together Harley Davidson motorcycle owners that share a love of riding. The primary activity of the Chapter is group rides. Road Captains provide leadership for group rides and promote safe group riding in a fun atmosphere. If you are interested in becoming a Road Captain, Contact the Head Road Captain

Road Captains and Sweeps

Road Captains lead group rides, from just a couple of people to many. The Road Captain is responsible for planning and organizing a ride, getting the group to the destination, and the safety of that ride. On long rides, Road Captains plan stops along the way, and if it goes overnight, where everyone is going to stay. The Sweep takes up the rear, handing things from split-up groups, to downed riders during the ride.

Anyone can lead or sweep a ride, but it helps to know a little about how to do it. While we currently have no formal training for Road Captains, there are a number of documents that can help. In addition to hitting the books, you have a whole support network at Eastside HOG. Most Road Captains are happy to talk about getting started, tips and tricks, and share experiences they've had over the years. You can reach out to any board member to get connected, or go online to the ES Roadhog Facebook forum. You can also message the Head Road Captain ([email protected]) with questions. Road Captains have all been there; there are no dumb questions, only mistakes later if you don't know the answer.

While anyone can lead a ride, not everyone earns their Road Captain rocker patch. To get the patch, you need to lead or sweep at least a few rides and show you're active in the chapter. Just leading a group once and then going dark won't get you a patch. When you think you're ready for your patch, let the board know. The board will discuss what they've seen or heard on your rides and interaction in the chapter. If you bring the enthusiasm and commitment that many of our members bring, you'll be getting your patch at a future chapter meeting.

The chapter periodically has group rides for folks that want to be Road Captains, and go on to earning their patch. These rides are usually organized by the Head Road Captain or the Safety Officer. There is a short meeting before the ride to talk about safety, hand signals, and best practices. You then ride, sometimes switching off who's leading or sweeping. Many of these rides end with a lunch where riders and talk about how the ride went and what might be improved on the next time out. Like everything in the Eastside HOG chapter, it's all about camaraderie and sharing information.

A group ride is a thrilling experience, whether a lunch run after a chapter meeting or a week long Five Destinations of Summer adventure. Join others for a few group rides, and step up to organizing your own ride.

Road Captain Responsibilities - National HOG

  • Assist the sponsoring dealer and chapter director in upholding the Annual Charter for H.O.G. Chapters
  • Assists in planning routes for chapter rides
  • Assists in keeping the chapter informed of all H.O.G. programs
  • Educates chapter members about group riding techniques
  • Informs chapter members of any hand signals used by the chapter on group rides
  • Assists in obtaining signed release forms for chapter rides
  • Acts as a guide for organized chapter rides

Tony B. (Kiwi)


Stephen C.

Assistant Director

Jason G. (Griff)

Head Road Captain

Roberto L

ESHOG Road Captain

Fred G ("Orca")

Road Captain

Ken A

Road Captain