HOG CALL - May 2024

HOG CALL - May 2024

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ESHOG Calendar - Monthly Challange - 2024 Destinations - Website - FB
Meetings are held at Eastside Harley-Davidson on the last Saturday of the Month.

May HOG CALL ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌      ͏ ‌     
Social starts at 9:00am, meeting at 9:30am.


A group of six of our ESHOG officers was able to attend the Regional Officer Connection (ROC) training event this year, including myself. You’ll hear more about some of the things that were discussed from other attendees. It’s always great to be able to bounce ideas off officers from other chapters in the region and to learn about the things their chapters are doing.

April has provided us some great Spring weather for riding and I love getting out on my motorcycle. It’s good to see that some of you are recording additional mileage readings so that we can track our progress towards this years’s Ride 365 target. Mileage forms are available in paper form at the dealership or a fillable form is available online from our website:

If you've got any questions about joining the group or anything HOG related, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]. I'm always here to lend a hand and make sure your ride with us is good as gold!

Finally, a reminder that the May meeting will also be starting a half hour early at 9:30, with social from 9am. I hope to see you all there!

Tony “Kiwi” Burton




Welcome to the warmer weather of May, Family! For no other reason than it’s a fantastic ride, this month’s D is to Middle Fork Snoqualmie Trailhead in North Bend.  Get a shot of you, your bike and the Mt. Baker Snoqualmie National Forest Sign shown in the photo. 


If you’re coming off I-90 East, you’ll have no issue with getting to Middle Fork Road via 468th Avenue on the edge of North Bend.  Here’s a map from Eastside: https://maps.app.goo.gl/gnE5z63cCAv1sUbVA

If you come East from North Bend on North Bend Way, do NOT take your GPS instructions to turn onto SE 140th Street in Tanner.  I speak from experience in saying a bagger doesn’t like the steep gravel incline which the road turns into quickly.  Just stay on North Bend Way until you come to a T in the road at TA Travel Center.  Here’s a Google Maps link to the trailhead:
* For those of you with Pan Americans, ride your ride. 

You might be asking, “Why would I be coming from North Bend, Griff?” Because there’s a GREAT greasy spoon there called Twede’s Café.  It’s well worth the wait for a table; but do plan on a wait.  While standing idle, you might check out their Twin Peaks TV show memorabilia which made Twede’s famous.

Jason G.
Head Road Captain

Assisting in the planning of routes for chapter rides.


Joining the monthly "D" event not only fuels your passion for motorcycle riding but also supports the chapter's 365 mileage program. By participating, you not only get to enjoy thrilling rides but also contribute to the community and help reach collective milestones. So, gear up, join the "D" event, and let's ride towards a brighter future together!

Steve C.
Assistant Director

Shall be responsible for promoting membership, membership orientation, membership retention, and keeping the chapter members informed of H.O.G.® programs.


Indulge in a culinary adventure as we gather at Bai Tong, the ultimate Thai restaurant, for our third Sunday social on May 19th at 4:30pm. Let's spice up our evening and catch the tail end of happy hour together. Special thanks to Gary L. for this mouthwatering suggestion! Get ready to treat your taste buds to an unforgettable experience filled with delicious dishes and delightful company. Join us for a Thai-tastic time!

This is not just a meal; it's a heartwarming experience where relationships are solidified, laughter fills the air, and memories are created. By coming together over delicious food, we create a space for genuine conversations, shared laughter, and a sense of community that warms both the heart and the stomach. Don't miss out on this opportunity to nurture your relationships and fill your life with unforgettable moments. Join us for the "Third Sunday Social" and make every gathering a special occasion.


4:30PM See You There in time for Happy Hour . . . 

Tammy B.
Activities Officer

[email protected]

Assisting in planning and administering chapter events.


Our primary goal as a Chapter is to "ride bikes and have fun."  One significant component in achieving this goal is encouraging members to conduct group rides. We have large rides twice a month that are planned and led by our Chapter Road Captains. We also have impromptu rides created by members announcing their plans to ride so that others may join. One popular way of doing this is to advertise the ride on the chapter's Facebook group page. 


These impromptu rides are considered official rides by HOG and are subject to the six HOG guidelines for group rides.


1. All participants must be current national HOG members, with a current release on file with the chapter. 2. One guest is allowed per member. Guests must sign a release. 3. Any guests under 18 years of age (minors) must have a release signed by the minor's legal guardian. 4. The member who posts the ride is the organizer and is responsible for verifying that all participants are members or that participants have properly filled out and signed the appropriate release. These releases need to be put into the Chapter mailbox at the dealership. 5. When the ride has reached the destination, the organizer must clearly announce that the ride is over. 6. Tips for conducting group rides are available on page 12 of the HOG Chapter Handbook.


To lower the burden on ride organizers, we have created a membership card system for the chapter. This card has the member's name, HOG number, and expiration date. This date is either the date that the member's national HOG membership expires or the last day of the year, whichever comes first. If a member's national membership expires prior to the end of the calendar year, a new membership card with an expiration date set to the end of the calendar year will be issued upon renewal of the member's national membership.


The ABC simple policy for these rides will be:
A. Each participant provides a membership card that shows they are current with their national membership and release waiver.
B. If a current membership card is not provided, the guest must fill out a Chapter Event Release Form for Adults release. Minors must have a Chapter Event Release Form for Minors signed by their legal guardian.
C. No exceptions.  Cancel the ride if there are any issues. 


If you have any questions, please contact [email protected], or any of your board members.

William C.

Shall be responsible for administering and maintaining meeting minutes, annual reports, membership reports on hog.com, insurance and legal documentation, event releases, and enrollment releases. These permanent records shall be kept at the sponsoring Dealership.


As a motorcycle rider, you know the thrill and freedom of the open road. But with that freedom comes a responsibility to protect yourself from harm. When the unexpected happens and things go bad on a motorcycle ride, your helmet is your best line of defense. Wearing a good helmet can mean the difference between a minor injury and a life-altering tragedy. Don't let vanity or convenience put your life at risk. Invest in a quality helmet and ride with confidence, knowing that you've taken the necessary steps to protect yourself. Remember, it's not just your head that's at stake - it's your life.


Dave H.
Safety Officer

Providing chapter members with information relating to the availability of rider training.


Traffic is no fun, even on a bike sometimes. Take the road less traveled, enjoy the scenery, and ride. If you've got to sit in traffic, be alert, watch for crazies, and stay cool.

Jay M.

Obtaining and organizing chapter images for use in chapter communications and chapter history.


And just like that, May is here!  

And those April showers and crazy windy days did bring us some beautiful weather last few weeks.  We've already had some great rides and it's wonderful to see so many of you getting after those monthly destinations and the 2024 5 D's and 3 L's.  Way to go! 


Gradually we are getting there – to date we have 100 members that have renewed out of 143 that were current in 2023.


Just another reminder, that each year, we do need a new updated Chapter Membership Enrollment Form and Release signed. No money involved, but it is a requirement for each HOG Chapter to have an up-to-date current membership form on file.  You do need to be current with National HOG to join/stay current with the chapter.


So thank you thank you to those who have sent in or dropped off their forms. 


If you have not done so yet, you can find the form at eshog.com/join the chapter.  Please print out, fill out and sign (we must have signed original on file) and drop it in the mail, address below, OR drop the form at the dealership in our drop box on the East wall of our membership corner, next to the bulletin board.

 Better yet, bring it with you to the next chapter meeting at the dealership. We want to see you!


Eastside HOG

c/o Eastside Harley Davidson

2350 136th Pl NE

Bellevue, WA 98005


One last reminder, we extended the deadline through April, so if you could, please renew by the end of the month.  We are cleaning up the membership roster and our private members only Facebook page, so anyone who hasn't renewed will no longer have access and we don't want you to miss out!


If you notice In the HogScan app or in your profile/My Account on eshog.com, points are listed.   Each time you are 'checked into' a ride, or event, you accumulate points:

  • 10 points (Chapter Meeting, Rides, Monthly Sunday Suppers)
  • 15 points (Volunteer Opportunities)
  • 25 points (Annual 'Pignic' and designated Dealership Events)

As we add various events and multi day rides to the calendar, we will assign a point value to each event. 


You must RSVP to each event you plan to attend and when you are 'checked in" – the system will add the points to your total.  


Each Chapter Meeting/HOG Call the top 5-point earners will be announced.  


At the end of the year, we will award the following to the highest 3-point earners:

  • $100 gift card to the member with the highest point total.
  • $50 gift card to the member with the second highest total.
  • $25 gift card to the member with the third highest total.


The more you participate, the more points you can earn for the grand prize!


As of April 23, the following 5 chapter members are in the lead:

           John P, Victor L, Rich V, Doug W, and Brian A are top 5 . Way to go!


Please let us know if you have any questions!

Remember to keep up to date on your membership with the chapter, and only active members will be allowed on the ESHOG FB page.

Lanelle B.
Membership Officer

Assisting the chapter secretary in the chapter membership duties.


Chapter finances are looking good!

Steve B.

Shall be responsible for collecting and disbursing chapter funds, reporting financial transactions to sponsoring Dealer/H.O.G.® Manager on a monthly basis, compliance with all revenue recording and reporting requirements



Frank G.

Assembling and organizing material for the chapter web site, social media sites.


  The Gathering . . .


This coming week, hundreds of Black Sheep members will be riding from all over the United States and heading to The Lamb’s Fellowship church in Lake Elsinore, California. In fact, Dave Jordan and I are heading our right after the meeting on Saturday, the 27th. Ron M. and LaNelle are also leaving today as well (going a different route). And Big John S. is driving down on Monday the 29th, (his bike is in the shop). 

This year marks our 25th Anniversary. And The Lamb’s Fellowship Church in Lake Elsinore, CA is where it all began in 1999. Pastor Marty Edwards founded The Lamb’s Fellowship, and he also founded Black Sheep Harley-Davidson’s for Christ Motorcycle Ministry (M/M). This event is one we have been planning for and anticipating for quite a while. Personally, I can’t wait to get on the road!

Many of you know a bit about who we are. But for those who don’t, I’d like to take a few minutes and tell you what we are all about.

While Marty was still pastoring Lamb’s Fellowship, he decided to buy a Harley. He wanted something to do in his off time. Something that would help him unwind. It wasn’t long before other riders in his church wanted to ride with him. You know how it is. Soon, they all joined the HOG chapter at Quaid Harley Davidson in Temecula, CA. After the tragic death of a young man who worked in the service department, Marty went down to the dealership and introduced himself to the owner. He told him he was a local pastor, knew about the accident that took the young employee’s life, and offered to talk with, comfort, and pray with any other employees who might need that kind of ministry. The owner told Marty “You can do whatever the **** you want.” And so he spent the remainder of the day there talking and praying, comforting and listening. Just doing the ministry God had called him to do. 

Through that experience, Marty realized that there were all these M/M’s around (especially in SoCal), but none who were specifically focused on HOG. There seemed to be a need. And Marty answered the call. HOG rides, meetings, serving them in any way he and his little group of riders could. One Sunday afternoon, an elderly church lady saw the group gearing up for a ride and declared “Well there’s our Black Sheep of the family!” The name stuck. It was perfect. We are certainly the Black Sheep of the church. And in a way, we are Black Sheep in the biker community too. After Peter Jennings did a spot on the Nightly News, there was national attention on Black Sheep – and the phone calls came pouring in. One call was from Charlie Daniels. He told Marty he had seen the spot on the news, loved what he was doing, and wanted to help. Then he sent a check! The rest, as they say, is history.

With chapters and/or Area Contacts in 42 US States, and in Mexico, Australia, and France – Black Sheep has enjoyed growth in numbers, and in maturity. Our focus is serving HOG. We aren’t here to take over the chapter. We aren’t here to beat anyone over the head with the Bible (that approach doesn’t work anyway 😊). 

We aren’t here to guilt trip anyone into believing, or judge anyone – not my job. We are simply here to serve. To bless your bikes. To flip burgers, shine boots and show up to pray for you when you need us. We are here to love. We are here to just do life with you, and ride motorcycles and have fun. At the same time, we are not hiding in the corner, hoping nobody notices that we are Christians. Quite the opposite. If you look at our back patch, there is a scripture that defines who we are:

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…”


Kerry S. Chaplain

Keeping the chapter on the straight and narrow?




This year marks my twentieth-year anniversary of being a HOG Officer, and 60 years since first being taught to ride by my brother-in-law at twelve years old. I can still remember the thrill of pulling back the throttle of that mighty little 90cc down the back alleys of Detroit. Perhaps like marijuana in the day, being illegal, no helmet or safety gear, and a flashlight strapped to the handlebars was half the adventure. Not to mention that my father would certainly have beat my backside with a leather belt if he found out. 

Though I have scaled back on riding these days, mostly due to health concerns, and on a retirement budget, the freaking cost of gas! (I can still remember paying less than a dime a gallon).




Our Sponsor: Eastside Harley-Davidson 

2350 136th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98005 US


Click Here for our monthly promotions . . .

Always a good time to purchase something at Eastside H-D. Remember, all purchases by registered Eastside HOG members contribute a % of the purchase to our very own chapter!



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Posted by FG4SHO